Addressing Compassion Fatigue, Burnout & Vicarious Trauma

Compassion fatigue, burnout and vicarious trauma are common occupational hazards in high care, high stress and often high trauma work.   Awareness is prevention when it comes to these occupational hazards! Both individuals and organizations can suffer significantly if these hazards are not addressed in effective and informed ways.  Discover how to prevent and mitigate the risks associated with these costs of caring!

The aftermath of the Covid pandemic, alongside these complex times we are living in, has left many helpers, healers, caregivers and leaders feeling burnt out and depleted.  By offering inspirational and educational sessions to your staff and leaders, you can help individuals and teams tap into their resilience, hope and well-being.  This matters.

The well-being of professionals making a difference day-in-and-day out maters!


I am passionate about, and devoted to, supporting people who make a difference to thrive now and into the future.  My inspiring presentations and training are accessible virtually for ease and convenience. And who doesn’t want more ease?! I also love coming to your location for in-person events (there is a lot of Zoom fatigue after all!).

The mental health of our healthcare workers, first responders, and front-line workers matters greatly for the individuals themselves and also for the well-being of the people they serve and help!

Caring for Caregivers is critically important at the best of times, it is an absolute essential at this significant time.

Organizations, leaders, managers and front-line staff alike must find new ways to engage their resilience to cope with the demands and job stress that can be brought about in ever changing work environments.  Healthcare, human and social services, education, and various non-profit organizations and professionals must make caring for caregivers a top priority.

Does your organization deal with any of the following challenges: employee mental health issues, low staff morale, absenteeism, staff turnover, conflict in the workplace, low productivity and/or poor employee engagement?

These can be signs and symptoms of stress, burnout and compassion fatigue.  These challenges are calls to inspired action, learning and growth for professionals and organizations alike. Let my Thrive offerings uplift and support your team, staff and organization!


  • to grow vigorously: flourish
  • to prosper, do well, to be successful
  • to progress toward or realize a goal despite or because of challenges or adversity

Thriving is not just about productivity and performance, it is about creating strong, healthy and vibrant workplace cultures that support employee self-care and well-being to ensure that people are able to do and be their best! 

Do you want to thrive?

My THRIVE offerings exist to educate, support and inspire helping and healthcare professionals, educators, social workers, crisis response workers, change agents and others who make a difference to achieve greater resilience, self-care, burnout prevention and well-being – helping both individuals and workplaces be the best they can be!

Please reach out. No one size fits all and I can create a supportive learning, resiliency and self-care session, virtually or in-person, for your organization, team and staff.

Call Lynda at 250-653-2085 to explore what’s possible in mitigating these occupational hazards!