Workshop Overview
This one-day workshop introduces the six key elements to build employee engagement in the workplace. Employee engagement is critical to the productivity, burnout prevention, staff retention and overall success in any organization. Even the most stress resilient individuals can struggle in work environments where employee engagement is low. This can lead to low morale, disengagement, and reduced employee performance. In this workshop, participants will learn specific strategies for enhancing engagement in order to create an environment where employees are inspired to perform and have a strong desire to contribute to the success of the organization.
Learning Objectives
- Define employee engagement
- Recognize the signs of low engagement
- Explore why high potential employees can become frustrated (disengaged) employees
- Learn the burnout-engagement continuum
- Understand how burnout develops and how it differs from stress
- Identify the pressures that can contribute to exhaustion, cynicism, and ineffectiveness
- Learn 6 proven strategies for decreasing burnout and increasing productive engagement between people and their work
- Ignite real motivation for enhanced engagement in the workplace to create a more caring, successful and healthy workplace
Bring this training workshop to your employees and organization.
T r a i n i n g | L e a d e r s h i p C o a c h i n g | S p e a k i n g