Do you play a leadership role in your organization? Do you need to successfully lead during times of change? Change leadership requires attention to so many different things at once, for example, the cycle of change, resistance to change, communication, trust, engagement, creating a positive vision, strategic plans for moving forward, dealing with stress and conflict that can arise during times of change, positioning the changes as beneficial even if there are challenging elements to it, determining areas of influence and control, enhancing resiliency and performance in the midst of it all, and so forth. At the heart of these change management tasks is a leader’s ability to ensure a caring, genuine and responsive approach to the needs of others who are being both directly and indirectly impacted by the changes and transitions that are taking place.
As a leader during times of change, how you personally respond to and participate in all the stages of change, will greatly impact how others are able to successfully do the same. Leaders benefit from training, coaching and support in order to successfully lead during times of change, as well as to create a healthy and thriving organizational culture at all times where employee well-being and engagement are foundational elements of success. Inspiring and empowering the people who do the work is one of the fundamental tasks of transformational leadership during times of change and beyond!
Thrive Training + Coaching has been created to offer support, education and inspiration to leaders, managers and employees who want to make a difference and thrive during times of change. Change is challenging and the fact is – most people resist it. As a social worker (with an individual and structural change focus), leadership coach and educator, I have worked my entire career in both personal and organizational development – I believe change is at the core of all growth. When change can be dealt with skillfully and compassionately, individuals and organizations benefit. Transformational leadership is central to successful growth and change. Thank you for being here.